Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Handmade thank you cards

Maternity leave is an interesting time. The days are alternately really busy or really slow depending on how much the baby sleeps, and depending on how much sleep I got the night before...One of my favorite activities over the last month has been designing and making thank you cards. These post cards are built on cardboard cut to size from the many card board boxes we've been getting with gifts for the baby (or diaper shipments). I got this great idea from the BBB Craft blog, which is full of wonderful DIY ideas and beautiful pics of the finished products!

The first design is very "meta", as it uses the light blue and vellum papers I used for my sister's wedding invitation years ago, along with the postman's string I used in our wedding invitation, to make the heart and little knots at the corners. The second two make use of a linoleum cut I made last week stamped with white acrylic paint...

Picture walls part 2

The main wall in the living room has 2 of my collages and one painting, a print my sister made, and a painting by Jimmie James that I traded for a collage a few years back.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New picture walls

We've finally gotten (nearly) all our belongings out of storage. After bringing it home we were feeling kind of overwhelmed by the number of frames, paintings, and posters stacked around the place. The first photo is mostly collages I've made, inspired by Palestine. The poster is one I got during my post-college backpacking tour around Eastern Europe. The second photo includes a number of pictures we bought at Eastern Market here in DC, a photo of the Brooklyn Bridge that I got as I was moving out of NYC in 2004, and a few more collages. Phase one of finally putting things on the walls completed! More to come...

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Cutting Edges

Just received my copy of Cutting Edges: Contemporary Collage, with 3 of my collages included!